Context-Driven Architectural Decisions

Context is a king


When it comes to software architecture there is rarely a "one-size-fits-all" solution and various trade-offs must be considered when deciding on an architectural style or technology. It's essential to understand the specific requirements and constraints of the problem at hand to make the most suitable architectural decisions.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

There are so many parameters that you should take into consideration: costs, scalability, performance, maintainability, security, etc. The problem always exists within the context. Context affects what kind of technical decisions you should make to map a problem space to a solution space.

Context-driven architecture

I would like to show different scenarios where I suggest a problem statement and a generic solution that could be a good fit for it. Then I will introduce another problem where a generic solution wouldn't be a good fit and propose an alternative solution. That should be a good exercise to understand how context affects the decision:

  1. Microservices vs Monolith

    • Problem Statement 1 (E-commerce platform): You are tasked with designing the architecture for a large e-commerce platform. This platform has many different components such as user management, product management, payment processing, and order management. Each of these components has different scalability requirements.

    • Generic Solution (Microservices): Microservices architecture is chosen because it allows each component to be developed and scaled independently. This is ideal for the e-commerce platform where different components have different scalability requirements.

    • Problem Statement 2 (Small business website): You are tasked with designing the architecture for a small business website. The website has a few components such as user management, content management, and a contact form.

    • Alternative Solution (Monolith): In this case, a monolithic architecture might be a better fit. The complexity of managing multiple services might not be worth it for a small application with few components. The overhead of managing microservices could outweigh the benefits for a small, relatively simple application.

  2. Actor Model vs Microservices

    • Problem Statement 1 (Real-time IoT System): You are designing a system for a real-time Internet of Things (IoT) application. The system needs to handle a large number of independent devices sending messages concurrently.

    • Generic Solution (Actor Model): The Actor Model might be a good fit for this task. The Actor Model can handle high levels of concurrency and isolate states within individual actors. Each device could be modeled as an actor in the system, making the system robust to failures of individual devices.

    • Problem Statement 2 (Large Enterprise System): You are designing a system for a large enterprise with many different business capabilities. The system needs to be scalable and maintainable over time.

    • Alternative Solution (Microservices): Microservices might be a better fit for this task. Each business capability can be encapsulated in its own service, allowing for independent scaling and deployment. This approach can also help to keep the system maintainable as it grows in complexity over time.

  3. SQL vs NoSQL Databases

    • Problem Statement 1 (Banking system): You're designing a banking system that requires complex transactions with multiple operations that must either succeed or fail.

    • Generic Solution (SQL): SQL databases, with their ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties, are a good fit for this context, as they ensure data integrity during transactions.

    • Problem Statement 2 (Social media platform): You're designing a social media platform where data is primarily document-like, including user profiles, posts, and comments, with a need for high scalability.

    • Alternative Solution (NoSQL): NoSQL databases, particularly document databases, are a better fit for this context, as they allow for flexible, schema-less data structures and horizontal scalability.

  4. Stateful vs Stateless Architecture

    • Problem Statement 1 (Video streaming service): You're designing a video streaming service where users can pause and resume video playback across devices.

    • Generic Solution (Stateful): A stateful server architecture might be chosen to maintain the state of the user's playback across different devices.

    • Problem Statement 2 (Stateless API): You're designing an API that serves static data to multiple clients.

    • Alternative Solution (Stateless): A stateless server architecture would be a better fit, as it doesn't need to maintain any state information. This can make the system more scalable and easier to manage.

  5. Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming

    • Problem Statement 1 (Real-time gaming platform): You're designing a real-time gaming platform where immediate user input feedback is crucial for gameplay.

    • Generic Solution (Synchronous): Synchronous programming could be chosen to ensure immediate response to user inputs.

    • Problem Statement 2 (Bulk data processing system): You're designing a system to process large amounts of data where the processing of individual pieces of data can be done independently and in no particular order.

    • Alternative Solution (Asynchronous): Asynchronous programming would be a better fit, as it allows the system to continue processing data while waiting for other operations to complete, improving overall efficiency.

  6. Single-Page Application (SPA) vs Multi-Page Application (MPA)

    • Problem Statement 1 (Interactive web application): You're designing an interactive web application with numerous dynamic components that need to interact with each other in real-time# Let's continue writing the rest of example 5 and then provide the conclusion.

    • Generic Solution (SPA): A Single-Page Application (SPA) could be chosen for its ability to update individual parts of the page in response to user interaction, resulting in a more responsive user experience.

    • Problem Statement 2 (Content-heavy informational website): You're designing a content-heavy informational website where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a major concern.

    • Alternative Solution (MPA): A Multi-Page Application (MPA) might be a better fit in this case. MPAs generally have better SEO compared to SPAs because each page has its own URL that can be indexed by search engines. MPAs can also load content faster as each page is only responsible for its own content.

These examples illustrate how the context of the problem significantly influences architectural decisions in software development.

The language and paradigm matter

Very often the choice of programming language or paradigm should also be taken into consideration as it affects costs, maintainability, and a lot of other parameters. Let's look at a couple of such examples:

  1. Concurrent Programming

    • Problem Statement: You are designing a system that requires heavy concurrent processing. This might involve, for example, a real-time analytics system that must process multiple streams of incoming data simultaneously.

    • Solution (FP): Functional Programming is often a good fit for concurrent processing tasks. Because FP discourages mutable state, it can help to avoid common concurrency problems like race conditions. This can make it easier to reason about the behavior of your concurrent code. Erlang/Elixir programming language could be a great fit here.

  2. Data Transformation

    • Problem Statement: You are designing a data pipeline system that performs a sequence of transformations on incoming data. For example, this might involve cleaning raw data, filtering irrelevant entries, transforming the data into a desired format, and finally storing the data in a database.

    • Solution (FP): Functional Programming can be well-suited to tasks that involve transforming data in a pipeline. FP's emphasis on pure functions that map the input to output can make it easier to express these kinds of transformations. The use of high-order functions and function composition in FP can also help to create a clear and concise pipeline. Think of Scala or F# as a programming language

  3. Testing and Debugging

    • Problem Statement: You are designing a system where easy testing and debugging are top priorities. This could be the case in a system where reliability is crucial and bugs could have serious consequences, such as a system for controlling medical equipment or an aircraft navigation system.

    • Solution (FP): Functional Programming can make testing and debugging easier. Because FP encourages the use of pure functions that do not produce side effects, you can often test these functions in isolation, without needing to set up and tear down complex state for each test. This can also make it easier to reproduce and diagnose bugs. With a very strict type system, the compiler detects errors very early.

The process

Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Understand the Problem: The first step is to understand the problem you're trying to solve. This could be a functional or technical challenge. It's also important to clearly articulate why these are problems and to identify any specific constraints that must be taken into account when finding a solution.

  2. Analyze Solutions: After identifying the problem, it's necessary to examine the potential solutions and their implications. This involves considering how each option solves the problem, the steps required to implement it, and its feasibility given the constraints.

  3. Make Decisions: With a clear understanding of the problem and potential solutions, you can make informed decisions. The best decision may not always be the highest-quality solution; sometimes, it's the best alternative given the constraints and current knowledge. It's crucial to document why a certain decision was made, to provide context for future reference.

  4. Context Matters: Whether you're deciding between monolithic vs microservices architecture, SQL vs NoSQL databases, or OOP vs functional programming, context is key. Factors such as the team's expertise, the problem domain, scalability requirements, and other specific project needs can all influence these decisions.


Context-driven decision-making in software architecture is all about making the best decision given the specific circumstances, rather than adhering strictly to a predetermined rule or pattern. This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability, which are vital in the ever-evolving field of software development.